Güncelleme Tarihi: 03 November 2022

Visitors: 548

Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems Master Degree Programme

Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems Master's Degree Program

The program has been approved by the Council of Higher Education on July 20, 2022, and began accepting students in the fall semester of the 2022–2023 academic year.


It is aimed to educate individuals who are innovative and respectful to national values, who have the characteristics of adapting to the developing technology, producing solutions to the problems in the field, making decisions, taking responsibility and entrepreneurship. In addition, it is aimed to gain the ability to develop self-development, open to innovations, problem-solving skills, and develop scientific original research by providing the necessary training and professional equipment in the field of agriculture and food systems.


Name of Program Master of Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems (with Thesis) Language / Duration Turkish / 4 Semesters Type of Program Formal Degree Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems Master’s Degree

Admission Conditions

Admission requirements for graduate programs, student quotas, qualifications to be sought in prospective students, and information regarding the application and evaluation process are announced on the web page of Bandirma Onyedi Eylul University Graduate School of Natural and Applied Science in each announcement period.

Head of Program


Name: Prof. Dr. Bünyamin SÖĞÜT

Phone: +90 266 7170117 - 7511

E-mail: bsogut@bandirma.edu.tr

Academic Staff

Prof. Dr. Bünyamin SÖĞÜT

Head of Department-Department of Food Technology

Prof. Dr. İbrahim TÜMEN

Department of Therapy and Rehabilitation

Prof. Dr. Hüseyin ESECELİ

Department of Nutrition and Dietetics

Prof. Dr. Yavuz ÇOKAL

Department of Food Technology

Assoc. Prof. Uğur KARADURMUŞ

Department of Motor Vehicles and Transportation Technologies

Assist. Prof. Selen SALLAN

Department of Food Technology

Assist. Prof. Musa YALMAN

Department of Food Technology

Assist. Prof. Emre ALARSLAN

Department of Food Technology

Assist. Prof. Ferhat YALGIN

Department of Underwater Technology