- EEM-Bildiri
Güncelleme Tarihi: 24 Ocak 2024
Gösterim: 788
Hazim ÖZTÜRK, Kutlucan GÖRÜR (2023). EEG Alfa Dalgaları İle Biyometrik Kimlik Tanımlama. 5. Uluslararası Dicle Bilimsel Araştırmalar ve İnovasyon Kongresi, 485-505.
Muzaffer ÇAYIR & Harun ÖZBAY (2022). PSIM simulation of voltage-fed series resonant inverter for induction heating systems. International Joint Conference on Engineering, Science and Artificial Intelligence‐IJCESAI 2022.
Leyla ARSLAN & Harun ÖZBAY (2022). Modelling and simulation of D-class current-fed parallel resonant inverter for induction heating system. International Joint Conference on Engineering, Science and Artificial Intelligence‐IJCESAI 2022, 106-116.
Yiğit ESEN, & Serhat Berat EFE (2022). Yüksek Gerilim Güç Şebekesinde Oluşan İç ve Dış Kaynaklı Arızaların Analizi. International Joint Conference on Engineering, Science and Artificial Intelligence, 155–161.
Metin AKDENİZ, & Serhat Berat EFE (2022). E-bisiklet Şarj İstasyonları için FV Sistem Tasarımı. International Joint Conference on Engineering, Science and Artificial Intelligence, 27–32.
Engin KIRAN, & Serhat BeratEFE (2022). Modern İletken Yapıları Kullanılarak ENH Kayıplarının Azaltılması. 3rd International Conference on Applied Engineering and Natural Sciences, 1390–1393.
Onur AKALP, Harun ÖZBAY, & Serhat Berat EFE (2021). FOTOVOLTAİK BESLEMELİ LED AYDINLATMA İÇİN ZVS SEPIC DEVRESİ TASARIMI. International Symposium of Scientific Research and Innovative Studies, 460–467.
Keziban ERKAL, & Abdullah YEŞİL, (2023). gm-C Tabanlı Akım ve Geçiş Direnci Modlu İkinci Dereceden Filtre Tasarımları. 3. Uluslararası Lisansüstü Çalışmalar Kongresi, 331-345.
Ahmet Hüdai KAYA, Abdullah YEŞİL, (2021). Investigation and Classification of Memcapacitor Circuits, 176-178, International Symposium of Scientific Research and Innovative Studies, 22-25 February 2021
Muhammed Şamil BALCI, Selçuk SAKAR, Adem DALCALI, (2022). The impact of air gap of toroid core on magnetic flux density in electromagnetic energy harvester. II. International Joint Conference on Engineering, Science and Artifical Intelligence (IJCESAI).
Muhammed Şamil BALCI, Adem DALCALI, (2022). Analysis of an Electromagnetic Energy Harvester by FEM. 3rd International Conference on Energetics, Civil and Agricultural Engineering (ICECAE 2022)